Raspberry Pio Pico Drivers project
No Matches
Raspberry Pi Pico driver class collection

A Collection of the Raspberry Pi Pico/Pico2 classes. Also, a SDK API wrapper class is provided.

An online HTML documentation is available for the details of the APIs.


This class collection ( or class library ) encapsules the certain data structure of Pico SDK behind the classes. And it also allows programmers to use the dependency-injection in their projects. So, programmers can test their code with Google Test before testing on the target hardware.

The following classes are provided in this version.

Class Header file Description
rpp_driver::SdkWrapper sdk/sdkwrapper.hpp Wrapper class of Pico SDK
rpp_driver::GpioBasic gpio/gpiobasic.hpp Basic GPIO controller
rpp_driver::I2cMaster i2c/i2cmaster.hpp I2C Master controller
rpp_driver::I2sSlaveDuplex i2s/i2sslaveduplex.hpp Polling based PIO I2S driver
rpp_driver::Adau1361 codec/adau1361.hpp Audio CODEC driver
rpp_driver::UmbAdau1361Lower codec/umbadau1361lower.hpp CODEC lower driver dedicated to UMB-ADAU1361-A board

How to obtain this project

The newest copy of this project is found in the GitHub repository.

Run the following command to obtain this project from CLI:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/suikan4github/rpp_driver.git

How to obtain the sample programs

The newest copy of the sample programs are found in the GitHub repository.

Run the following command to obtain the sample from CLI:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/suikan4github/rpp_driver-sample.git

Tools and building

How to install the tools

To build the sample program and/or test program, you need to install the build tools. The followings are the command to install these tools on Ubuntu.

apt-get -y update
apt-get -y install build-essential cmake ninja-build git
apt-get -y install gcc-arm-none-eabi libnewlib-arm-none-eabi
apt-get -y install doxygen graphviz

How to build the tests

The driver classes are tested by GoogleTest and fff. Follow the procedure to build the tests.

From the repository root ( where this README.md stays), run the following commands.

mkdir build
cmake --build build --config Debug --target all

How to build the document

An API document is provided as HTML files. To obtain it, run doxygen at the project root ( where the README.md exists).


The documentation will be generated under the docs/html/ subdirectory.

Integration to your RasPi Pico project

To use the rpp_driver, as a first step, you need to add following lines into your CMakeLists.txt.

target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} pico_stdlib

Note : Beside of rpp_driver, link the Raspberry Pi Pico SDK libraries as needed.

By linking rpp_driver library, the include path for the source code are set automatically.


This project is provided under [MIT License](LICENSE).


Seiichi Horie